, pub-6935017799501206, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less - PLANTER AND FORESTER

Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less

Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less
Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less
Synonim :
1. Vernonia abbreviata DC
2. Vernonia laxiflora Less
3. Vernonia leptophylla DC
4. Vernonia linifolia BI
5. Vernonia plarviflora Reinw
6. Vernonia zollingeriana Schul.-Bip

Vernacular names :
Indonesia : Buyung buyung
Sunda : Leuleuncaan, Mareme, Pipiitan, Sasawi langit, Sembung
Java : Maryuna, Nyawon

Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less
Description :
1. Very variable herb, often branched from base, 8-160 cm tall; large specimens with taproot.
2. Stem stiff, angularly ribbed, finely pilose, glandular, filled with white parenchyma.
3. Leaves helically arranged (basal ones rosulate), the lower ones petioled, very variable, obovate, ovate – oblong to spathulate; based decurrent; upper ones very small, sessile, oblong, lanceolate or linear, all superficially to rather coarsely repand to crenate – dentate.
4. Flower head numerous, 5-8 mm long, 20-30 flowered, irradiate, inn terminal, small-leaved peduncles, 3-25 mm long, with a small bract below eac head, imbricate, green, erect, sometimes purple tipped, later brown and reflexed.
5. Flower bisexual, much longer than the involucre, 3.5-4 mm long, lobes 5, usually purple, more rarely pink or white.

Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less

Origin : Unknown
Distribution : Tropical, throughout Indonesia.
Ecology : Sunny or lightly shade, no wet, often grassy sites, along roadside, in rubber and tea plantatio, dunes, often gregarious, from 1 – 1.400 m altitude (java), flower all the year round.
Propagation and Dispersal : Achenes, anemo and zoochorous
Agricultural importance : a weed of minor importance
Control : Herbicide, manual

Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less
Note :
Vernonia cinerea var parviflora is common. This variety has ovate to broadly ovate, sometimes suborbicular, thinly hairy leaves and 4-5 mm long heads with 2.5 – 5 mm long in volucre. Sold as a medicinal plant against diarrhoea, and to stimulate uterine spasm during childbirth.

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